Participatory Governance Committee Initiatives and Reporting
Collective thoughts and voices are a vital part of providing a holistic recommendation for college planning.
It is, therefore, important for constituency representatives to obtain feedback - especially in the context of Student Equity and Guided Pathways - when considering institutional planning as outlined in the following strategic themes and action areas of the 2019-2024 Strategic Planning matrix :
Action Area →Strategic Goal Theme ↓ |
1. Completion and Transfer |
2. Career Preparation |
3. Ensure Relevant Learning and High Quality Services |
4. Equitable Access and Success |
A. Policies and Practices Promote policies, practices, and college activities that increase completion rates by 20 percent, transfers by 35 percent, ensure 70 percent of students obtain living wage jobs or transfer in their chosen field of study, and eliminate access and achievement gaps for students. |
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 |
B. Professional Development Promote professional development policies, practices, and activities that help the college meet completion, transfer, and labor market outcomes for its students and that help improve equitable access and achievement gaps. |
B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 |
C. Communication and Community Engagement Communicate the college’s plans and engage with community stakeholders as we craft policies, practices, and activities that address the measurable strategic goals of the college. |
C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 |
D. Technical and Physical Resources Promote the acquisition, renovation and/or replacement of technical and physical resources that provide high quality services and relevant learning to students, resulting in the attainment of the measurable strategic goals of the college. |
D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 |
E. Human Resources Promote, hire, and organize faculty, staff, and managers to help the college meet its measurable strategic goals for student completion, transfer, labor market outcomes and equitable access and achievement. |
E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 |
Committees develop goals related to these strategic themes and action areas and provide annual status updates.
Month |
Task |
August |
Participatory Governance workshop held to identify committee goals for current year derived from the Strategic Plan and other institutional foci. |
September |
End of year report from prior year reviewed by the Institutional Effectiveness committee for comment and recommendations back to CPC. |
October |
End of year report from prior year provided to Board of Trustees as action item |
May |
End of year report for current year on status of committee goals and an assessment of issues the committee would like addressed in the next year by any committee or unit and the committee’s recommendations for changing the description or composition of the committee if any. |
June |
Final committee reports for current year provided to CPC and a summary is added to the aggregate end of year report. |