Orientation: Roles and Responsibility for Governance by Constituent Group
Role and Responsibility for Governance
Please select the appropriate constituent group from the Tabs above for the Roles and Responsibilities associated with each. You are currently on the "Student" Tab (see below).
Operational Planning
- The Associated Students of Cabrillo College (ASCC) Student Senate represents all students. The ASCC Student Senate appoints eligible students to serve on a number of college standing committees. The ASCC President or their designee is a member of the CPC.
Participatory Governance
- Each Cabrillo student enrolled in the college has specific rights and responsibilities, which are defined by the Students Rights and Responsibility Handbook Links to an external site. (See AP 5530 Links to an external site.).
Please select the appropriate constituent group from the Tabs above for the Roles and Responsibilities associated with each. You are currently on the "Faculty" Tab (see below).
Operational Planning
- Faculty work together with administrators to determine the most effective methods to meet the needs of students, personnel, and the college.
- All faculty participate in Program Planning through their role in assessments of Student Learning Outcomes, individually and through departmental discussion. Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs) articulate with Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs), which articulate with Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs), our Core Four Competencies.
Participatory Governance
- Formal recommendations regarding academic and professional matters, also known as 10 + 1.
- Comprised of an elected President, and an appointed Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, two faculty elected from each of the five instructional divisions, and one each from Counseling, Counseling and Educational Support Services, the Library, and the Watsonville Center.
Collective Bargaining /Meet & Confer
- The Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers (CCFT) is the collective bargaining representative for all Cabrillo College faculty. Questions or concerns regarding faculty working conditions should be directed to CCFT representatives.
Please select the appropriate constituent group from the Tabs above for the Roles and Responsibilities associated with each. You are currently on the "Classified Staff" Tab (see below).
Classified Staff:
Operational Planning
- Classified staff participate in decision-making across the college. Different units have varying processes for how operational decisions are made and staff are encouraged to check with their supervisors, governance, and/or bargaining unit leaders for more detailed information.
- Recommendations and opinions of staff are given every reasonable consideration.
Participatory Governance
- CCEU is the collective bargaining unit representing all classified employees on work-related conditions.
- CCEU appoints representatives to shared governance committees and groups that deal with all aspects of college decision making.
Collective Bargaining /Meet & Confer
- CCEU is the collective bargaining unit representing all classified employees on work-related conditions. CCEU appoints representatives to shared governance committees and groups that deal with all aspects of college decision making.
Please select the appropriate constituent group from the Tabs above for the Roles and Responsibilities associated with each. You are currently on the "Confidentials" Tab (see below).
Collective Bargaining /Meet & Confer
- This component has a representative presence on the CPC and selected shared governance committees.
Please select the appropriate constituent group from the Tabs above for the Roles and Responsibilities associated with each. You are currently on the "Administrators" Tab (see below).
Operational Planning
- Administrators participate in decision-making processes in a variety of ways.
- Managers facilitate department and unit program reviews and plans, as well as facilitating division or service area meetings.
- Deans, Vice Presidents, and select managers with broad campus responsibilities serve on the Admin Council, which meets monthly.
- The Instructional Deans meet monthly with the Vice President of Instruction and the Director of Planning & Research on operational issues.
- The President’s Cabinet meets weekly and includes the President, Vice Presidents, Director of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness, and the Director of Marketing.
- The President’s Cabinet is responsible for discussing overall college operational issues and making recommendations to the President based on input from their areas. The President’s Cabinet covers overall college operational issues.
- Administrators participate in decision-making processes in a variety of ways.
Participatory Governance
- Administrators provide input to the prioritization process for new planning and resource requests. Administrators solicit opinions from faculty, staff, and students in affected areas, as well as give those opinions reasonable consideration before final decisions are made.
- Administrator representatives on participatory governance committees will report back to Administrators on a consistent basis.
Collective Bargaining /Meet & Confer
- Administrators are represented by the meet and confer group, Administrative Benefits Committee ABC).
Please select the appropriate constituent group from the Tabs above for the Roles and Responsibilities associated with each. You are currently on the "Trustees" Tab (see below).
Board of Trustees:
Operational and Policy Planning
The Board of Trustees is responsible for making formal decisions regarding academic and professional matters. This is done through the implementation of Board Policy. Board policy is the voice of the Board of Trustees and defines the general goals and acceptable practices for the operation of the District. It implements federal and state laws and regulations. The Board of Trustees, through policy, delegates authority to the Superintendent/President to administer the District. The Superintendent/President and District employees are responsible to reasonably interpret Board policy as well as other relevant laws and regulations that govern the District.
Participatory Governance
In administering District policies, the Superintendent/President shall be guided by the knowledge that the Board of Trustees values an open interchange of ideas among all employees of the District. Nothing herein shall be interpreted as intended to interrupt the free and open flow of ideas and assistance among personnel at every level.