Structures for Participation

There are five types of participatory governance groups through which you may participate that comprise Cabrillo's governance structure:  committees, subcommittees, operational councils, task forces, and advisory workgroups.

The list below includes the names of some of the committees in each type. 

More information about each committee can be found in Board Docs Links to an external site..  More information about how to find and navigate Board Docs will be provided later (insert page #) in this course.

Participatory Governance Groups



1. Participatory Governance Committees:
  • Meets regularly
  • Designated or Selected constituent representatives acting in an advisory capacity to College Planning Committee (CPC).
  • Governance committees communicate ideas, concerns, goal completions and recommendations
    through dialogue between the committee, CPC, and their constituents.
  • Serve as vital components to college planning and goalsetting.

These six committees report to  the College Planning Committee (CPC) Links to an external site.

2. Participatory Governance Subcommittee:
  • Permanent group convened by a standing committee or council to consider specific subjects in detail for recommendations back to the standing committee or council.
  • The chair or one representative must be a member of the committee or council to which it reports. 

These subcommittees report to FPC:

Operational Groups



3. Councils:
  • Standing council intended to consider all procedural issues as defined by the role of
    the members, (e.g., Council for Instructional Planning) and assist with college operations needs

Administrative Services Council (ASC Links to an external site.)
Instruction Council (IC Links to an external site.)
Student Services Council (SSC Links to an external site.)
Council on Instructional Planning (CIP Links to an external site.)

4. Task Force: 
  • Specifically convened by and reporting to a committee or
    to the President (or President’s designee) to address a special college-wide subject/issue.
  • Meets until the subject/issue is resolved whereupon the group disbands.
Groups are initiated and disbanded as needed.
5. Advisory/Work Group:
  • Working group of individuals with specialized expertise that provides input and advice to an operational
    unit or group of units but does not make binding decisions (example EOPS Advisory Group).

Technology Workgroups (Cloud Strategy, Procurement, Security, Tech Plan)