

Before you start searching, think about what search terms are relevant to your topic:  what are your keywords

Talk to your instructor and review your course readings and notes to identify keywords.

For example, if you were researching the connection between Jim Crow laws enacted during reconstruction and current disproportionate incarceration rates among African Americans, some keywords might be:

  • African American, African-American, Black
  • Jim Crow laws, Black Codes, Black Laws
  • Incarcerate, imprison, prisoners, mass incarceration
  • Racism, discrimination, racial segregation

Advanced Keyword Searching

Once you have identified keywords relevant to your topic, try using AND, OR, and "QUOTES" to combine your keywords while searching.

To limit your results, use the AND

Boolean search using the keywords Jim Crow Laws AND incarceration

To expand your results, use the OR

Boolean search using the keywords incarcerate OR imprison

To search for an exact phrase, use "QUOTES"

Advanced Search in OneSearch using the keywords "Jim Crow" in quotes AND history AND incarceration OR prison